It’s Sunday…Happy Sunday y’all!
I try my best to reserve Sundays for my self-care and rest. I fell off for a minute but I’m working on reestablishing my routine again.

It’s also the first of the month…AND it’s my birthday month! The countdown to 38 is on! I’m hoping this new year brings balance and peace in all areas with a continued focus on my mental, physical, and spiritual health and wellness. I will be saying NO to things I can’t palate and YES to things that bring me joy and pleasure.
This past week was jammed packed with birthday prep and a royal celebration for my sweet middle child Kai Elizabeth! She wanted an African themed birthday celebration and I wasn’t sure how that looked so I made up something and she loved it. You can watch it here.
I enjoy making my girls happy. That’s a gift in and of itself, but over the years I learned that they don’t require much. Just like me they express their desires and hope that someone will acknowledge that request. While it may look like a lot, it wasn’t…it was just enough.
I’ve learned that the recipe to self care can be simple. It isn’t always about doing something. Sometimes it’s all about doing nothing and finding peace in that. It can also be doing what makes you happy. The goal is to find joy in whichever you decide. In the words of my sis, Mon, “y’all ain’t gone worry “wear” me!“ I am protecting my peace at all costs and for me that’s self care.
My goals for this month are simple:
meditate each day
get in a workout each day
plan for the businesses
enjoy the journey and embrace balance
Started my day with cardio and a workout in my workout gear…

Followed that up with a Dragon Fly Instant Glow Mask from Sirobè!

Now headed to enjoy some park and family time with our framily from Texas!

Hubby is singing and hitting the notes, but the kiddos wanna know why are we up so early! The answer is living life and being grateful that we have it to live!
I hope you have an amazing Sunday! What’s your self care routine? How do you rejuvenate and prepare for the week? Share your tips!
#dopeblackmom, #dopeblackwoman, #dopeblackblogger, #lifestyleblogger, #blogger, #dailymotivation, #earthlings, #motherearth, #loverearth, #loverearthrevolution, #empoweredwomenempowerwomen, #blackmomswhoblog, #blackbloggermoms, #blackworkingmoms, #momsofig, #southfloridablogger, #mississippi, #empoweredwoman, #mentalhealthawarenessmonth, #relax, #recharge, #intentional, #focused, #deliberate, #purposeful