I went a lot of places. If you follow me on IG or FB, you know I went to Greece, Turkey, London, and Paris. But for most of 2024, I went inward. Navigating the first year of losing my dad, on top my job ending on December 31, made the first 6 months of 2024 some of the most difficult days of my life. My community held me down though.
I know they tell you not to define yourself by your job, but if I'm keeping it a buck, I'm a better Mon when I'm working. And if you've ever felt that you couldn't vocalize that, here's your permission to be honest with yourself and the world. I've been a stay at home mom off and on for 15 years, and thought that I would enjoy it since no one stays at home anymore. This was far from the truth.
The first few weeks were cool, then the isolation set in. I'm a people person...and I was missing people. I joined some of the spouses on lunch dates and shopping trips, but spending money when you aren't making any is a bit reckless. So I volunteered. At the elementary school. At the middle school. I joined the Med Group Spouses Dining In Team. Anything to keep me from sitting at home while allowing my thoughts to get the best of me.
What was supposed to only be a 2 month stint at home kept going. The new job never posted. Then in April when it finally did post, there was issue after issue with the hiring process. Some may have taken this as a sign from God that it wasn't meant for me to go back to work, but my God don't move like that. They know their child, so I saw it as evidence of how flawed humans can be...myself included for not triple checking my application.
Finally in July, I received the offer and started the job. Man....talk about a shock to my system. In June, I joined the SY 24/25 elementary school PTSA, the middle school PTSA, and the high school booster club. In August, Reina decided to try out for cheer. Now I'm a cheer mom.
Now, if you know me, you know I don't half ass anything, but there are only so many hours in the day. By September, I felt the feelings of inadequacy creeping in. The new job was demanding, partly because of the lack of turnover and partly because of the sheer increase in workload due to personnel size. The volunteer positions required meetings during the work day. Cheer had me picking up Reina after 6 and volunteering on Saturdays. Chris will tell you...he was not a fan of my new routine. Probably still isn't. I complained a lot. Hell, I still complain a lot. Less about the workload though. Now I'm complaining because I can't put foot to ass literally.
4th quarter hit...this is high season in the Odom household. Birthdays in October, November and the first week of January. Halloween, Thanksgiving, our anniversary, and Christmas. And it felt...lackluster. My energy levels were low, but I pushed through and made the memories as best as I could. We went to a sleepover zoo for Deacon's birthday, London for Gianna's birthday (after I screwed up the initial plans by booking a week early...told you I was off my game), put the tree up and threw up some decorations. My aunt came for Christmas break, so we took her to Paris. And last night we wrapped up with a movie night and dinner for Reina's 15th birthday.
2024 was a liminal space for me. I was at a standstill. I learned a lot about myself and how I cope with sitting in discomfort. It taught me that I need to prioritize myself. I changed my workout routine and actually found a cardio that I enjoy. But, I was almost sick a lot. I'm sick now. LOL I was sad a lot. Friends moved, and my social circle shrank significantly. I went to a therapist who reminded me that I'm still in the beginning stages of grief. It's still new to my system, so the shock is wearing off, and the finality is starting to become more apparent.
As I move in 2025, the energy is feeling different already. We leave Germany this year, so we are all anticipating the announcement of our next grand adventure. In the meantime, though, I'm going to continue the moves I started in 2024. Loving Mon. Be honest about Mon's needs. Letting people love Mon. And not being afraid to sit Mon's ass down when need be.
So what have you been up to?