I live in the place where transparency resides, so I have to tell the interesting backstory behind how I met the Black woman's soul coach Natasha D. Wade. As a pretty avid Facebooker, I have joined countless groups. Well, in one of my many Facebook groups I kept noticing this woman who would post pretty profound and thoughtful responses that seemed to empower women to think a little deeper about themselves and the relationships that they enter into. Me being me, I sent her a DM that was prefaced by "I hope this isn't a creepy DM interaction" (LOL) and asked to know more about what a Black Women's Soul Coach is and if she would be interested in sharing more with me and my readers. We set a date to chat and literally felt like two friends who hadn't seen each other in years even though it was our first encounter. It was amazing! From there she agreed to share a little more of herself for a feature on the blog.

Meet Natasha D. Wade, Your Black Woman's Soul Coach! Hailing from Houston, Texas, Natasha helps Black women achieve soulful living - satisfy their deepest soul desires in life, love, work and play. In service of this, She offers a signature offering called The You-Phoria-90 Coaching Program where she helps them deeply explore and address 7 facets of well-being including but not limited to health, wealth, purpose and play.
Natasha has 10+ years of helping individuals and families elevate their quality of life and fulfill their purpose through her extensive career in the nonprofit and HR industry. Much like me, the injustice done to Breonna Taylor was the straw that broke the camel's back. She finally committed to her true calling of being a champion, advocate and instrument for Black women's whole wellness and happiness.
Connect with Natasha through her Instagram @coachnatashawade or by visiting her website natashawade.com check out our interview and learn a little bit more about the power of recognizing your purpose and making a plan for manifesting it.
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