This is just a friendly reminder that it’s okay to take a break! Sometimes we feel pressured to do more and keep routines that may be draining. But it’s ok to take a step back and say not today or not right now. You have to give yourself permission to rest. It’s a luxury our ancestors didn’t have and one we must lean into. Rest us Sis! There’s a lot of life to live and it’s best lived well rested. his is just a friendly reminder that it’s okay to take a break! Sometimes we feel pressured to do more and keep routines that may be draining. But it’s ok to take a step back and say not today or not right now. You have to give yourself permission to rest. It’s a luxury our ancestors didn’t have and one we must lean into. Rest up Sis! There’s a lot of life to live and it’s best lived well rested.
I hope you have a restful weekend! Be sure to catch Monica and I tomorrow evening at 5:30pm EST for Coffee and Cocktails!

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