Happy Friday Y’all! I am so happy we made it to the weekend. I have a quick Friday feature I want to share. I don’t know if you’re following @fleurdelisspeaks on Instagram but if you’re not you should be.

Faith Broussard Cade is a mental health counselor, speaker, and self care advocate. She drops gems every day that make me say...”yep, that’s exactly what I needed!” I don’t know her personally, but she is definitely a friend in my head and I am grateful for the transparency and inspiration she shares on her page! So for this #FollowFriday shoutout I want to say thank you Faith for being such a force!
#dopeblackmom, #dopeblackwoman, #dopeblackblogger, #lifestyleblogger, #blogger, #dailymotivation, #earthlings, #motherearth, #loverearth, #loverearthrevolution, #empoweredwomenempowerwomen, #blackmomswhoblog, #blackbloggermoms, #blackworkingmoms, #momsofig, #southfloridablogger, #mississippi, #empoweredwoman