Photo Credit: KingSpeak Productions
For DeBlair to allow me to open up her conference with prayer and then grace the panel to share my story says a lot about what she sees in me and my faith walk.
I share a lot about why I joined the 8Figured Body Program and how it helped in ways I will never forget. The community and accountability partners DeBlair connected me with, the space to create and curate healthy relationships with food, exercise, and even people changed my life. She and others saw my purpose long before I did. This weekend Blair allowed me to share some of the most intimate parts of my journey with the RAF Live audience. In encouraging others to recommit to themselves, I was reminded that I too have to continuously recommit to myself.
I need y’all to be ready for #RAFLive2024 and to recommit to yourself now. DeBlair is not just my friend, she is my coach. She pushes and stretches me physically and mentally in ways that I never thought possible. That’s what being in her orbit does for people. She pushes you to be your best self…physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. She has curated a wellness program that addresses every need and created a community that supports you every step of the way. I am grateful for our friendship but I’m even more grateful that she saw my potential and refused to let me ignore my purpose.

Photo Credit: KingSpeak Productions
Everybody needs a Coach and a friend like DeBlair, someone who as First Lady Phelps said “is crazy enough to believe that they can do anything and determined enough to actually make it happen!” Every truly successful person needs someone that pushes them to think bigger, to do more, and to continue evolving. Even the greatest players need a coach and need to be coachable. As an Educational Coach myself, I value the role of coaches and the importance of being coachable.
Could you benefit from having a coach? If so, you should connect with DeBlair!!!
I’m gonna keep talking about it because that’s how much I value the conference and the program that she’s has created. That’s how much it has changed my life!
