Y’all we made it to 2022! What an adventure these last two years have been. It’s something about the 2020-somethings that is determined to be memorable for all. I trust everyone had a safe welcome into the new year last night. We had a blast drinking sparkling grape juice, playing cards, and eating party food with the kids.

I have no directives for January! If I’ve learned anything about life and time it’s that it’s unpredictable and I can only control my response to it. So I stand strong in affirming that January will remain a month of peace that is the prelude into a peaceful and productive new month, new year, and new chapter of life. I am ready to receive the harvest of greatness that is well on its way this year.
I am posturing myself for outcomes that are in my favor and I am speaking life into those things that I desire to attain. From connections, to friendships, to business ventures, to financial freedom…this chapter is focused on strategy.

What are you zoning in on this year? What’s your personal vision? How do you plan to achieve your goal?
I don’t know what exactly is ahead in this chapter but I am ready to receive all of its goodness. Let me turn on my Bone Thugs N Harmony “First of Da Month” and center myself for this journey.
#dopeblackmom, #dopeblackwoman, #dopeblackblogger, #lifestyleblogger, #blogger, #dailymotivation, #blackmomswhoblog, #blackbloggermoms, #blackworkingmoms, #momsofig, #southfloridablogger, #mississippi, #empoweredwoman, #mentalhealthawarenesseveryday, #relax, #recharge, #intentional, #focused, #deliberate, #purposeful, #selflove, #selfcare