If you're like me, your mind immediately began to play the intro to the JayZ's HOV. I am Michelle Rena and welcome to my digital home! I am so excited to share this space with you. If you're here, that means you are either a part of my tribe or interested in becoming a member of the tribe! Just so you know a little bit about me...I am a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, a cheerleader for all things Black and Female, and a lover of good vibes! I am an avid believer that your "vibe attracts your tribe" and that your positive energy must be protected by any means necessary. With that being said, I hope you find this space as one you can enjoy and literally let your hair down! I will be covering topics of all types! There are no gray spaces! Some might make you blush, while others are intended to make you think. Some of my posts will be from my personal experience and others from the experiences I am privileged to witness. As we go on this journey together, I will be highlighting some of my favorite Black Female Business Owners! Don't worry, I will also be highlighting some Dope Black Male Business Owners as well! But in this space, it is always LADIES FIRST!!
Oh....and it's my birthday!!! So as I launch the officially opening of my digital home, I am looking forward to celebrating each year of growth with you...MY TRIBE!
Check back daily for inspiration, motivation, and to meet some of my dope girl gang!!

Also, shout out to my friends and family for supporting this journey! As I am changing and growing , I ask that you bear with me. Growth is hard and sometimes just as uncomfortable for those who watch it as it is for those who are experiencing it. I ask that you give me GRACE!
Lots of Love!