I Will Not Fear The Terror or the Arrow That Flies by Day
As we enter a new month, I know that May will bring its own challenges and victories. I enter this month affirming that fear will not rule over my life but instead faith with center every action and every movement made. I am grateful for all that will be celebrated throughout the month of May and all of the victories that God has already secured for my future.
Faith rules everything around me…PERIOD!

You will not be afraid of the terror by night... –Psalm 91:5a
Note that verses five and six of Psalm 91 cover an entire 24-hour period emphasizing day and night protection. What is more important is that these two verses encompass every evil known to man.
The psalmist divides the list into four categories. The first—terror by night—includes all the evils that come through man: kidnapping, robbery, rape, murder, terrorism, wars…! It is the dread—or horror—or alarm that comes from what man can do to you. God is saying, “You will not be afraid of any of those things…because they will not approach you” (Psalm 91:5-7).The first thing verse five deals with is fear.
It is the goodness of God that He made provision before we ever asked!
This is not for everyone; it is for those who know and believe the truth. Over and over, Jesus told us, “Do not fear!” Why do you think He continually reminds us not to be afraid? Because it is through faith in His Word that we are protected—and since fear is the opposite of faith, the Lord knows fear will keep us from operating in the faith that is necessary to receive. It is no wonder God addresses the fear of terror first.
How do we keep from being afraid? Very simply! Fear comes when we think we are responsible for bringing about this protection ourselves. Too often, we think— “Oh, if I can just believe hard enough, maybe I’ll be protected!” That’s wrong thinking! The protection is already there. It has already been provided, whether we receive it or not. Faith is simply the choice to receive what Jesus has already done.
Our physical weapons are operated with our hands, but we operate our spiritual weapons with our mouths. Confessing with our mouth and believing with our heart starts with the new birth experience and sets precedence for receiving all of God’s good gifts (Romans 10:9-10).
”Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;“
Psalm 91:5 KJV

”That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.“
Romans 10:9-10 KJV
I Will Not Fear The Arrow
You will not be afraid of the… arrow that flies by day. –Psalm 91:5b
The second category of evil is the arrow that flies by day. An arrow is something that pierces or wounds spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally. This category indicates that you are in a spiritual battle zone—specific enemy assignments directed toward your life to defeat you.
Arrows are deliberately sent by the enemy and meticulously aimed at the spot that will cause the most damage. They are targeted toward the area where our mind is not renewed by the Word of God—perhaps an area where we are still losing our temper, an area where we are still easily offended, or an area of rebellion or fear. For me these are the attacks that the enemy has on my kids and my marriage. I recognize them head on because I am aware that they are the spaces where at times my heart tends to lead over my faith.
Seldom does the enemy attack us in an area where we are built up and strong. He attacks us where we’re still struggling and the desire to be a great wife and mother are my always my focus areas. But that is why I know that I must run to God for all of my help! And when we do battle using our spiritual weapons, his arrows will not approach us.
God tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that we have a “shield of faith to extinguish all the flaming darts of the enemy.” These are not just plain arrows, they are “on fire.” And God doesn’t say we can miss most of them. He says that we can extinguish “all” of them. When arrows are sent to wound us spiritually, physically, emotionally, or financially, God wants us to ask and believe by faith that He will pick us up out of harm's way and deliver us from calamity.
We have a promise from God telling us not to be afraid of the arrow that flies by day. Assignments will rise up, but don’t be afraid. He has promised to protect us, and He has promised the arrows will not hit their target.
Lord, thank You that I’ll not be afraid of any terror as I abide in the secret place. I put my complete trust in You and say aloud in faith the promises of protection You’ve provided for me. Lord, help me to remember to run to You and believe by faith that You will pick me up out of harm’s way and deliver me from trouble as I put my trust in You. Thank You that I will no longer be afraid as I appropriate Your promises in my life. In the name of Jesus. Amen