We started our YouTube journey in 2018 with the MartinGlittergang channel and since then we have been off and on with posting content. I think we started out more concerned about what we were recording versus just letting it flow naturally. The planning and attempting to organize everything became exhausting. Now, fast forward to five YouTube channels later, a quarantine that has given us lots of free time, and we are finally getting the hang of it!
Sooooo, join our YouTube family by liking and subscribing to our channels!
The MartinGlittergang https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmVYLNIihLNG5yGwFpmE2HQ
iamMichelleRena https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQPGOG5HqHZIUBHFrqJKK-Q
Martin'sAlwaysRight https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Gb2Bhn0LBXwmrCK7JpbcQ
ZahraSlayedIt https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrBBMzGe6huBDKv6Fi-aoow
ItsLailasWorld https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCla6cJ7XCbCPYqUPycTLbSg
