For so many days my thoughts were plagued as it related to Kai and her Autism diagnosis with things like “I should’ve done this”, “I should’ve noticed that”, “I should’ve tried this instead”…we all have some degree of mom guilt, with the “she’s a better mom than I am” or “she’s doing so much for her kids” whatever the phrase…it all leads to negative self-talk.
But, I needed to pause right there…you are worthy Michelle and Kai is worthy. You are both fearfully and wonderfully made! 🙌🏽🙌🏽 That’s Gospel!! I had to remember the word, and instead of letting the negative self-talk creep in, I am committed to filling my mind instead with positive self-talk, replacing the negative with the good.

Instead of comparing your child’s birthday party to a “TikTok-viral seemingly perfect party” and feeling unworthy, praise to God for being able to host a party that your child loves. Instead of comparing yourself to strangers on the internet and their highlight reels on social media, know that they are just highlights, not real life. Behind every social media account’s perfectly timed 60 second clip is often a mess behind the camera!
We need to stop the comparison game because it only makes us feel terrible inside. Instead, we can take those beautifully curated photos as inspiration for our own homes or parties but not as an attainable lifestyle. Our comparison even goes off social media to real life—as we look at the other moms in our scope. We need to realize that God has placed each of us right where we need to be. We can’t all be homeroom moms or even dressed perfectly each day. Just as we compare ourselves to others, our children are probably doing the same or will someday too. Stop this negativity at the source and help them (and yourself!) realize that God made each of us unique, just as we are. Let’s replace the negative thoughts with grace and thankfulness.
We Are All Unique
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. PSALM 139:14 ESV
No one else will ever be you! God made you unique just the way you are. There are days when we don’t feel like we’re good enough, but isn’t it wonderful to think that we were each uniquely created by the Most High? He planned for you specifically even before you were born! He knew you would have many wonderful accomplishments, along with not-so-good times. He made you different from everyone else on purpose. Just think—He could have created a world where everyone looked and acted the same, but He didn’t. We have all been given different talents and special, unique characteristics. There was never anyone like you ever before, and there never will be again.
Read that again…There was never anyone like you ever before, and there never will be again.
God chose you to live now, in this time, in this season, and He has many great purposes for you. How amazing is that? As His child, you bring Him such joy. How are you using your individual characteristics and interests for good?
Think about what you’re good at or what gifts you’ve been given. How can you use those in your daily life, work life, or family life? What part of you can you share with the world—even right in your own home—to create happiness? When you are aligned with God, using the gifts He gave you to share His love, you’ll find that life falls into place and that peace will reside in your heart.
”I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.“
Psalms 139:14 NIV
Today, try to catch yourself when you see another person’s photo, video, or social media post that makes you compare yourself or situation to theirs. How does comparison make you feel? Can you take out the jealousy and replace it with pure thoughts? Maybe you can enjoy that image or idea without comparing it to your situation, putting yourself in a negative light. If any negative or jealous thoughts creep in, practice replacing them with something worthy of praise, something pure, or something lovely instead—like inspiration for your next party or something new you can try!
”And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.“
Philippians 4:8 NLT
Love you 😘